02245 3923


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обл. Lower Austria
Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel, 2120
Wiener Straße 40

Начини за плащане

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Други услуги

Магазин Сервиз

foursquare   google places 3.8

Гориво Цена
A95 1,637 €/л
Дизелово гориво Diesel 1,658 €/л
Газ Пропан Бутан LPG 1,135 €/л

Цените са приблизителни

david davies
Google Places© на 06.03.2020

They serve you at the pump here no need to get out of car

Andrew P. Gburek
Google Places© на 18.01.2020

Jest przejściówka dla LPG.

Georg Mautner
Google Places© на 06.01.2020

sehr freundliches, hilfsbereites Personal, und rund um die Uhr offen! -Toll

Filip Salamon
Google Places© на 05.06.2019

I wanna give the most sincere thank you to the two angels who were present during the nigh on June 5th. That night at 1:30am our car suddenly began to lose gas rapidly on a highway due unknown reasons. We arrived to the only open gas station in the near surrounding with only 14km gas left and rapidly decreasing. (From 150 km to 14 in 5 minutes). We have visited 5 closed gas stations and all of them were closed. Finally out of despair we found this piece of paradise. After one of the worker filled our tank we were gratefull for that he saved our trip home. However suddenly we’ve discovered a huge leak under the car. Our fuel was leaking from the car rapidly. First I thought we have a hole in a gas tank but suddenly a second man ran out from gas station seeing us in trouble he pointed on us to drive to surrounded car wash, so the gas is going into drain hole. We opened the hood and he immediately spot the issue. One of the tube leading into engine was for some reasons disconnected which led into the gas leaking. This man and the gas station worker helped us to fix our car and clean the mess we did. THESE GUYS ARE TRUE HEROES!! We cannot thanks them enough for their efforts in the middle of night! I hope the management will see this review and share our most sincere appreciation. They refused to accept any cash reward for their efforts. They are true angels who saved us. I don’t have names of those two gentlemen but this happened on June 5th around 1:30 in the morning. Once again Thank you! Filip Salamon

Filip Salamon
Google Places© на 05.06.2019

I wanna give the most sincere thank you to the two angels who were present during the nigh on June 5th. That night at 1:30am our car suddenly began to lose gas rapidly on a highway due unknown reasons. We arrived to the only open gas station in the near surrounding with only 14km gas left and rapidly decreasing. (From 150 km to 14 in 5 minutes). We have visited 5 closed gas stations and all of them were closed. Finally out of despair we found this piece of paradise. After one of the worker filled our tank we were gratefull for that he saved our trip home. However suddenly we’ve discovered a huge leak under the car. Our fuel was leaking from the car rapidly. First I thought we have a hole in a gas tank but suddenly a second man ran out from gas station seeing us in trouble he pointed on us to drive to surrounded car wash, so the gas is going into drain hole. We opened the hood and he immediately spot the issue. One of the tube leading into engine was for some reasons disconnected which led into the gas leaking. This man and the gas station worker helped us to fix our car and clean the mess we did. THESE GUYS ARE TRUE HEROES!! We cannot thanks them enough for their efforts in the middle of night! I hope the management will see this review and share our most sincere appreciation. They refused to accept any cash reward for their efforts. They are true angels who saved us. I don’t have names of those two gentlemen but this happened on June 5th around 1:30 in the morning. Once again Thank you! Filip Salamon

vera f
Google Places© на 09.01.2019

Bedienung auf der Tankstelle hat stark nachgelassen.

Marcel Baumgartl
Google Places© на 23.09.2018

autogas, lpg vorhanden! sehr freundlich

djvojteg .
Google Places© на 31.07.2018

Spoko. Pan mozna tankować

Johann Patrick Sperk
Google Places© на 22.04.2018

freundliches Personal gute Preise nettes Ambiente

Oleg Semylit
Google Places© на 12.09.2017

Ich empfehle kein Tanken Gas LPG. Ich habe einen Tank für 55 Liter - das Maximum, das mit anderen Tankstellen platziert wurde, ist 52 Liter. Und an dieser Tankstelle wurde ich 58 Liter gegossen und dann, weil ich aufgefordert habe zu stoppen. Ich weiß nicht, wie viel Gas in meinen 55-Liter-Ballon gepumpt würde, wenn ich nichts sagen würde. Ich konnte nicht entrüstet sein, weil ich die Sprache nicht kannte. Im Allgemeinen werden Kunden getäuscht, wenn sie sehen, dass es keine Konsequenzen geben wird.

ChG xx
Google Places© на 07.02.2017

Tankstelle Monetti / 0 - 24 Uhr geöffnet, Cafe Betrieb dabei

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